Supply chain pipelines utilize Time Series forecasting techniques to predict various entities like demand and inventory. However, the nature of these time series data is often nested and traditional modeling techniques often fail to capture its impact. Hierarchical Time Series Modelling is a novel technique that aids the supply chain intelligence by reducing overall bias in such cases.
Zero-shot is a transfer learning paradigm to address the problem where training data is not available for some classes.
Zero-shot learning aims to train a model that can classify text/objects of unseen classes (classes unavailable during training) via transferring knowledge obtained from other seen classes during training with the help of visual and semantic information.
NPS, CLV, CLI, CSAT, and CES and it goes on and on. The majority of us have tried everything, and frequently with such zeal that we tend to group CX professionals into one of two camps. We have to admit that we have at least briefly been a part of each of these camps. Unfortunately, while each of these indicators has a place, if we are genuinely seeking to utilise analytics to run the business and effect change, we are missing the mark.
COVID-19 has influenced a variety of lifestyle modifications, including changes in consumer purchasing behaviour. Customers now engage with brands on their terms and demand a personalised and meaningful experience, as opposed to feeling “forced” to shop online. The Indian e-commerce market, which had 150 million online shoppers as of FY21 and was the third-largest market overall, is predicted to reach US$ 200 billion by 2026.
The exhaustive process of identifying a client’s requirements wants, expectations, preferences, and aversions is known as the voice of the customer (VOC). Additionally, this goes beyond consumer feedback, social media, and relationships. One of the reasons VoC is crucial is because the quality of the customer experience is a key differentiator in standing out from rivals.
Customer analytics can be made simpler by leveraging technologies like data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to comprehend client trends. Although it may seem simple, understanding clients is not simple. And those who are aware of their clients’ needs and behaviour patterns have an unfair advantage over those who are not.